Coords are very much welcome.


Lolita Pop Shop Lolita Pop Shop Cherry Lace Grosgrain Ribbon Headband Flower Frills Lace Headband Lady Rose Headbow Rose Garden Headdress
Mini Rose Lace Headbow Florence Bouquet Headdress Black Cat Headdress


Short Sleeve Pintuck Blouse (without) Jabot Standing Collar Princess Sleeve Blouse Princess Sleeve Standing Collar Blouse La Petite Fleur Half Sleeve Blouse Louise (with no) Jabot Blouse
Very much offbrand, found this gem at like dd's discounts or some shit. I can't believe it. It's perfect for lolita and so comfortable, I wear it all the time. idk why the pic made it look faded it is pure black
Pintuck Standing Collar Cutsew Rasiel Pullover BPN Bat collar blouse (this link might not be accurate)


Contract Cross Bolero Zizibeh Bunny Cardigan Elegant Lace Ribbon Cardigan A/P School Cardigan


Guns Reloading Sk Trump Alice Pleated Skirt Westminster Skirt Trump Alice Gathered Skirt High Waist Gathered Scalloped Skirt Hermila Skirt Corset OP Ruffle JSK with Polka Dot Kuniyoshi Kaneko Alice Square Neck JSK Strawberry Plate Just Waist JSK Shadowy Soiree OP Diamond Circus Vest OP Lace Frill JSK Classical Rose Bouquet JSK


Hot topic socks Hot topic socks Hot topic socks
These just appeared one day idek
Westminster OTKS
Bought at some goth store
Replica of nude SOX Mad science tights
These just appeared one day idek [2]
Toy Machine Socks Round N Round OTKS St Peters Cross Lace OTKS Ribbon Lace Knee Socks (2024 2nd release) Ribbon OTKs (2024 2nd release)


Rocking Horse Shoes
Steve Madden heels (idk which ones tho!)
Pleaser/Funtasma Mary Janes Pleaser/Funtasma Mary Janes


Various Weaponry earrings
Various Skull earrings
Various red x black earrings (roses by The Petite Doll)
Various heart earrings
Alice's Teacup Necklace
...Nancy Spungen necklace replica. Remnants of my punk past LOL. Trigger works and cylinder comes out. pretty cool!
Unknown Jesus Diamante necklace. Bought IRL at Harajuku Day LA.
Alice Glass Alice Glass
Passed down to me :)
Crescent Moon and Secret Key Lace Frill Umbrella
Ladder Lace Bloomers
Vintage (origins in France)

Burando preferred (outside of egl, j-punk and goth also accepted :p), no hate to indie but I know how these brands are structured and fit on me ^_^""

Neccessity ISO

Plain Outerwear (coats and raincoats higher priority) (black peace now even higher) in black/white/ivory

legwear, solid torchon lace topped or ankle length (especially)

Ivory blouses. I'll take most lol.

(Straw preferred) hats! Possibly Axes Femme or something.. been having a hard time finding them

Short sleeve white/ivory blouses....

Normal long sleeve black blouse XDDDD

black x white/plain white grosgrain BTSSB bow

Any wristcuffs

Axes Femme watches

short sleeve boleros, capelets or cutsews for summer

trumpet sleeve outerwear

brown genuine leather shoes.... (american duchess/vintage preferably?)


Neant rosaries

floral jsks/ops (priority blue/sax x white/ivory)

Red/blue/purple accessories :p

veils or bonnet style headdresses!!

anything in brown

mantles or capelets!

bpn Vests!!

legwear, floral prints and gothic prints

Plain OPs/JSKs (priority white, brown, ivory, black x white right now)

Jabots lol

Corsets (black and white priority)

Anything that has a print similar to Antique Bouquet lol.


atepie underskirts black/white

Gibson Women's Edwardian Leather Shoes (Tan)

Colette Women's Edwardian Button Boots (Soft Ivory)


Bustle Corset JSK In Bordeaux️

Bustle Corset SK in Dark Pink️

Doll Museum short JSK or OP in Black

BPN Bat collar blouse in black

Ahcahcum Muchacha ivory doll purse or upside down rabbit bag️

Atelier Boz military themed collections..

Victorian Maiden Orange florals

Round n Round Bandages OP

️Kuniyoshi Kaneko Brooch. Yes, just the brooch will suffice

️Kuniyoshi Kaneko head bow

️Kuniyoshi Kaneko Alice High Waist JSK in black only