This is the brain behind Zombieish. or maybe it looks more like this?

It enjoys several things such as music, movies, games, & books, even when its completely trapped in a jar of formaldehyde!
It enjoyed wearing gothic lolita and classic lolita an unhealthy amount!
Some of it's favorite artists were Glen Martin Taylor, TAMA (akatako), & Nicoletta Ceccoli.
It's favorite movies are Wasabi(2001), & Audition (1999).
Some of the music it liked before being put in a jar were Knifehandchop, Belladonnakillz, The Avalanches, & HTRK.
It's favorite books are Invisible Monsters REMIX and HYPERION.
It's favorite games are Titanfall 2, Hotline Miami, Persona 3, & Fallout New Vegas.
Isn't it cool? I got it at an estate sale. I assume the picture that came with it was its body.
Its quite sad, if it kept its body it might have lived on to be a proficient programmer, or an artist, I suppose.
Hey now, don't pick it up.
Theres nothing interesting about it.

MY SNACK!!!!!! I mean... MY BRAIN!!!!!!!!! Look at what you did!!!!!!!
You notice a chip sticking out the side of the brain... check it out?