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Charred facial tissue wrapped in gauze...


Last Login: 06/30/2009
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General Lolita fashion, collecting antiques, ball jointed dolls, pop surrealism, programming, hardware, graphic design, scrapbooking, digital art, painting, sewing, crocheting, fashion design, drinking tea, gauze, Finding new music, Live music, anything Alice in Wonderland, Karaoke (I'm bad), Ruby Gloom, Emily the Strange, Lola Goth, Gaia Online,
Music KNIFEHANDCHOP <333 BELLADONNAKILLZ <333 Aural Vampire, Anamanaguchi, Dir En Grey, Alice In Videoland, Spawn The Album, FFF, The Avalanches, HTRK, Blur, Gorillaz, Alice Glass, Crystal Castles, Slime Girls, Five Star Hotel, Cyberbitch26, Prolaps, Queens of the Stone Age, Brian Eno, Glass Beach, Massive Attack, Gidropony,Thee Heart Tones,Scarling., IAmError, FUCKING WEREWOLF ASSO, DyE,Death from Above 1979, Jogger, Agent Orange, KMFDM,
Movies Donnie Darko, Ichi The Killer, Audition, Wasabi, Beetlejuice, Chungking Express, Spawn The Album Fallen Angels, A Better Tomorrow, Scott Pilgrim, Alice in Wonderland,
Television I unfortunately don't watch alot of TV
Video Games Fallout (New Vegas especially!!!), Persona, DOOM, Alice/Alice Madness Returns, Dance Dance Revolution, Drummania, Streets of Rage, VA-11-HALL-A, Capsule Silence XXIV, Hotline Miami, Mother Russia Bleeds, Katana Zero, Postal, Sanitarium, Titanfall 2, Scott Pilgrim, RUINER, Guilty Gear, Cyberpunk 2077
Books Hyperion series, Spawn, Invincible, Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass, So Pretty/Very Rotten, Invisible Monsters, Kyoko Okazaki's Helter Skelter & Pink, Ryu Murakami's Audition
Groups: EGL

Status: Married
Here for: Friends, Connect with Artists, Discover New Music, Rate Music,
Hometown Hell
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Smoke / Drink Occasional
Education Some College
Occupation IT

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About me:

My life has crept so long on a broken wing
Thro' cells of madness, haunts of horror and fear,
That I come to be grateful at last for a little thing.

Who I'd like to meet:
I'd love to meet anyone with the same taste in music & games as me!!! I'm always down to stay up late talkin & playing games.

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 Crystal Castles 
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5/29/2020 10:58 PM


10/25/2013 3:09 PM

This freaked me out! This isn't fake. Apparently if you copy and paste this on ten comments you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. You will either get kissed or asked out. If you break the chain you will see a dead girl in your room tonight. In the next 53 minutes someone will say I love you or I'm sorry (;-;)!

1/10/2008 2:38 AM

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